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We’ve launched the world’s first voice petition to end malaria. We want everyone to raise their voices, speak up and create the loudest message leaders have ever heard. We need as many voices as possible to spread our call far and wide to get our demands heard: Malaria Must Die.

Don’t forget to include our hashtag #MalariaMustDie and a link to the voice petition:



  • David Beckham has launched the world’s first voice petition to beat malaria, and he’s done it in 9 languages! Join him, add your voice to the petition. Say #MalariaMustDie


  • It takes a few seconds to say #MalariaMustDie but could change millions of lives forever. Speak up and sign the voice petition to call on leaders to take action against malaria:


  • Malaria is said to have killed half the people that ever lived - more than 50 billion of us. It's time to speak up and #endmalaria for good. Sign the voice petition and tell leaders that #MalariaMustDie so millions can live:


  • It’s unacceptable that a child still dies every two minutes from an entirely preventable and treatable disease, but we know we can end it. And you have the most powerful tool: your voice. Speak up, say #MalariaMustDie


Speak up!